Rename Datasets using 3.2

Renaming datasets in a mainframe environment is a common task that can be accomplished using various methods. Renaming dataset using Data Set Utility (3.2) is one among the various methods.

Navigation - Option 3.2 (Data Set Utility) from ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISPF Home Menu).

Create PS

Steps to Rename PS -

Step-1: From the Data Set Utility panel, Enter the PS name in quotes(') in the Name field, and R at the command line. Press Enter.

Rename PS Example

Step-2: The popup panel appears and asks for the new PS Dataset name. Provide the new PS name and hit Enter.

Rename PS Example

Step-3: If the rename is successful, "Data set renamed" displays on the right-top corner and name field replaced with new PS name.

Rename PS Example
Note! From the above screen, hit PF3 button multiple times until you go back to "ISPF Primary Option Menu".

Steps to Rename PDS -

The steps are same when trying to rename PDS or PS. We just need to use PDS name in place of PS name.