Action Commands (iNPut)
Action Commands (iNPut)
The SDSF action commands are allowed to use at iNPut (NP) area of the SDSF tabular panel.

Below are the list of commonly used Action commands (command line) -
Command | Description |
// | Block |
= | Repeat Command |
+ | Extend |
? | JDS |
A | Release Job |
C | Cancel Job |
CA | CancelARM |
CD | CancelDump |
CDA | CancelARMDump |
D | Display |
DL | DisplayLong |
E | Restart |
EC | RestartCancel |
ES | RestartStep |
ESH | RestartStepHold |
H | Hold |
I | Info |
J | Start |
L | List |
LL | ListLong |
O | Release |
P | Purge |
PO | PurgeOutput |
PP | PurgeProtected |
Q | OutDesc |
S | Browse |
SB | ISPFBrowse |
SE | ISPFEdit |
SJ | JCLEdit |
W | Spin |
X | |
XC | PrintClose |
XD | PrintDS |
XDC | PrintDSClose |
XF | PrintFile |
XFC | PrintFileClose |
XS | PrintSysout |
XSC | PrintSysoutClose |