Common SDSF Commands (Command Line)

The SDSF commands (command line) are applicable on the SDSF tabular panel.

Common SDSF Command

Below are the list of commonly used SDSF commands (command line) -

/Issue MVS command
?Switch between primary and alternate field lists
ACTIONControl WTORs displayed on the SYSLOG
APPCControl the display of transaction data
ARRANGEControl the order of panel columns
BOTTOMScroll to the bottom
COLSDisplay the scale line
CSRDisplay the CSR panel
DADisplay the DA panel
DESTSpecify destinations for filtering
DOWNScroll down
ENQDisplay the ENQ panel
ENDReturn to the previous panel
FILTERFilter data
FINDFind a string
FINDLIMSet the number of lines to search
HDisplay the H panel
IDisplay the I panel
INPUTControl inclusion of input data sets in browse
LEFTScroll left
LPARDisplay the LPAR panel
LOCATELocate a line or column
LOGDisplay the SYSLOG and Operlog
LOGLIMLimit the Operlog
NEXTSkip to the next data set
ODisplay the O panel
OWNERLimit the jobs by owner
PANELIDDisplay panel ID
PREFIXFilter jobs by name
PREVSkip to the previous data set
PRINTPrint data or the screen
PROCDisplay the PROC panel
RESETClear pending actions
RIGHTScroll right
SEARCHDisplay the SEARCH popup
SELECTDisplay selected rows
SET ACTIONDisplay action characters
SET BROWSESet default browse action character
SET CONFIRMSet confirmation of destructive actions
SET CONMODSet the modification of the extended console name
SET CONSOLESpecify extended console
SET CURSORSet cursor placement
SET DATESet date format
SET DELAYSet timeout value
SET DISPLAYSet display of values
SET LOGSet default Log panel
SET ROWNUMControls row numbering on tabular panels
SET SCREENSet colors
SET TIMEOUTSet timeout for SYSPLEX function
SORTSort a tabular panel
SYSDisplay the SYS panel
SYSNAMELimit data by system
TOPScroll to the top
TRACEEnable SDSF tracing
UPScroll up
WHOList environmental data