User-defined Words
User-defined Words
Any word that is defined by the developer is called as a user-defined word and is used to store the data. It can be of maximum length is 30 bytes (except for level-numbers).
Rules -
- The user-defined word should be unique within the type to which it belongs (that might be a program, paragraph, etc.).
- User-defined word can be duplicated at the elementary level. The reference should be used with condition-names, data-names, record-names and paragraph-names.
- Each word atleast have one letter.
Examples -
The below list shows the examples for each type of user-defined name -
User-defined name | Some Examples |
Alphabet name |
SORT-SEQ is the alphabet-name. |
Condition name |
STD-MALE, STD-FEMALE are the condition-names. |
Constant name |
WS-PI is the constant-name. |
Data item name Variable name |
WS-VAR is the data-item-name. |
File name |
INPUT-FILE is the file-name. |
Index name |
MARKS-INDEX is the index-name. |
Mnemonic name |
SRW is the mnemonic-name. |
Paragraph name |
PARA-DISPLAY is the paragraph-name. |
Program name |
MTHPROG1 is the program-name. |
Record name |
WS-REC is the record-name. |
Routine name |
ROUTINE1 is the routine-name. |
Section name |
SEC-ADDITION is the section-name. |
Key name |
WS-REC-KEY is the key-name. |
Symbolic character |
BACKSPACE is the symbolic-character. |
Text name |
WS-MTH is the text-name. |