Error Conditions Reference
Error Conditions Reference
Below are the most frequently occured error conditions while using the CICS commands.
RESP | Command | Description |
1 | ERROR | This error occurs for an error that does not raise any other condition. |
12 | FILENOTFOUND | A file name in the FILE is not defined to CICS. |
13 | NOTFND | Attempt to retrieve the record which is not found. |
14 | DUPREC | An attempt is to add/update a record to a file in which the record already exists with same key. |
15 | DUPKEY | A record is accessed by way of an alternate index with the NONUNIQUEKEY attribute, and another alternate index record with the same key follows. |
16 | INVREQ | Request is invalid |
17 | IOERR | There is an I/O error during the requested operation. |
18 | NOSPACE | No space is available on the direct access device for adding records. |
19 | NOTOPEN | The requested resource is not open. |
20 | ENDFILE | File read reached to end. |
21 | ILLOGIC | A VSAM error occurs that is not in one of the other CICS response categories. |
22 | LENGERR | The length coded doesn't match with the required length. |
23 | QZERO | Occurs when the destination (queue) is empty or the end of the queue has been reached. |
25 | QBUSY | Occurs if a READQ TD command attempts to access a record in a logically recoverable queue. |
26 | ITEMERR | The ITEM number provided is out of range or exceeds 32767. |
27 | PGMIDERR | The coded program id is not valid in local or remote region. |
31 | EXPIRED | Occurs if the time specified has already expired when the command is issued. |
32 | RETPAGE | Occurs if the SET option is coded and a completed page is ready for return to the application program. |
35 | TSIOERR | Occurs if there is an irrecoverable temporary storage input/output error. |
36 | MAPFAIL | This condition also arises if a program issues a RECEIVE MAP command to which the terminal operator responds by pressing a CLEAR or PA key, or by pressing ENTER or a function key without entering data. |
38 | INVMPSZ | Occurs if the specified map is too wide or too long for the terminal. |
39 | IGREQID | Occurs if the prefix specified in the REQID option is different from that established by a previous REQID option. |
40 | OVERFLOW | Occurs if the mapped data does not fit on the current page. This condition is only raised if a HANDLE CONDITION OVERFLOW command is active. |
42 | NOSTG | The storage requested is more than is currently available in the target DSA. |
44 | QIDERR | Occurs when the queue specified cannot be found. |
53 | SYSIDERR | The SYSID name specified is neither the local region nor a remote system or the link to the remote system is closed. |
54 | ISCINVREQ | The remote system indicates a failure that does not correspond to a known condition. |
70 | NOTAUTH | Occurs when a resource security check has failed. |
81 | TERMERR | An unrecoverable error occurs during the conversation with the Remote region. |
84 | DISABLED | The resource is disabled |
100 | LOCKED | An attempt has been made to process a record, but lock exists against the key. |
101 | RECORDBUSY | The NOSUSPEND keyword is specified and the record is locked by an active lock. |
121 | RESUNAVAIL | A resource required by the linked-to program is unavailable on the target region. |
122 | CHANNELERR | The channel name contains illegal character or combination of illegal characters. |