If the RESP of the CICS command is equal to "32", then it's meaning is RETPAGE.

Default Action - Returns control to the application program at the point immediately following the BMS SEND command.

Command RESP RESP2 Reason, Deafult Action & Solution
SEND CONTROL 32 Reason - Occurs if the SET option is coded and a completed page is ready for return to the application program.

Solution - Modify the application program not to complete the page before SEND CONTROL when SET option is coded.
SEND MAP 32 Reason - Occurs if the SET option is coded and a completed page is ready for return to the application program.

Solution - Modify the application program not to complete the page before SEND MAP when SET option is coded.
SEND TEXT 32 Reason - Occurs if the SET option is coded and a completed page is ready for return to the application program.

Solution - Modify the application program not to complete the page before SEND TEXT when SET option is coded.