Application Program
What is the Application Program?
An application program in CICS is a custom-written program designed to execute specific business logic or tasks within the CICS environment. These programs interact with CICS services and resources to perform operations like data retrieval, transaction processing, and user interface management. CICS supported programming languages are COBOL, C, C++, Java, PL/I or assembly languages.
Application Program Interface -
Most processing logic in CICS programs is expressed through standard language statements. The CICS application programming interface (API) is used to access program resources managed by CICS and to request various CICS services. The CICS API offers rich commands that enable developers to create applications optimized for the CICS environment. This API safeguards users from challenges associated with transaction processing.
The CICS API has three different formats -
1. EXEC CICS command format: This format is used in COBOL, C, C++, PL/I, and Assembler programs -
command-name options...
2. Java class library for CICS (JCICS): JCICS is a class library that provides most of the functions of the CICS API so that they can be used in a Java CICS program.
3. C++ class library for CICS: The C++ class library is an alternative to the EXEC CICS format for object-oriented programs written in C++.
Define Application Program (PPT Entry creation process) -
What you Need -
- Application Program: MDFPGMA
- Language: COBOL
- Group: MATEDF (In this installation, group is same as user ID. Other installations may have different IDs. Check with CICS Administrator.
Step-1: Once the user login to CICS region successfully, user can see the blank screen as shown below -

Step-2: Define transaction using CEDA command by entering all the details and hit "Enter".

Step-3: Once the definition is successful, you will see the below message.
Please note once the transaction is installed, you cant able to delete the entry and only Administator can do that.
Step-4: Install transaction using CEDA command.

Step-5: Once the installation is successful, you will see the below message.