If this error condition occurred, the task gets abnormally terminated.

CommandRESP2, Description & Solution
DELETE 120 - There is an I/O error during the file control operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
ENDBR 120 - There is an I/O error during the ENDBR operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
READ 120 - There is an I/O error during the READ operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
READNEXT 120 - There is an I/O error during the READNEXT operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
READPREV 120 - There is an I/O error during the READNEXT operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
READQ TD Occurs when an input/output error and the data record in error is skipped.
Solution - This condition occurs if writing the queue when the queue cannot be written and a QZERO condition occurs in this situation. Check the Queue opened mode before issuing a write command. This condition can also occur if the FREE=CLOSE operand has been used in the data set definition for an extra-partition queue and the queue has been closed and reopened. Reopen the file to resolve the issue.
READQ TS 5 - There is an irrecoverable input/output error for a shared queue.
Solution - This might be due to the memory access problem. Try after some time and the issue still exists, contact the storage support group to resolve the issue.
RESETBR 120 - There is an I/O error during the RESETBR operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
REWRITE 120 - There is an I/O error during the file control operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error. For BDAM files, IOERR could means you are trying to write to a BDAM track address that is not defined for the data set.
STARTBR 120 - There is an I/O error during the READ operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
UNLOCK 120 - There is an I/O error during the ENDBR operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error.
WRITE 120 - There is an I/O error during the file control operation.
Solution - An I/O error is any unusual event that is not covered by a CICS condition. For VSAM files, IOERR usually indicates a hardware error. For BDAM files, IOERR could means you are trying to write to a BDAM track address that is not defined for the data set.
WRITEQ TS 5 - There is an irrecoverable input/output error for a shared queue.
Solution - This might be due to the memory access problem. Try after some time and the issue still exists, contact the storage support group to resolve the issue.
WRITEQ TD Occurs when an input/output error and the data record in error is skipped.
Solution - This condition occurs if writing the queue when the queue can’t be written and a QZERO condition occurs in this situation. Check the Queue opened mode before issuing a write command. This condition can also occur if the FREE=CLOSE operand has been used in the data set definition for an extra-partition queue and the queue has been closed and reopened. Reopen the file to resolve the issue.