If the RESP of the CICS command is equal to "16", then it's meaning is INVREQ. Correct the request and process the task again.
Default Action - The task gets terminated abnormally.
Command | RESP | RESP2 | Reason, Deafult Action & Solution |
DELAY | 16 | 4 | Reason - Hours are out of range.
Solution - Modify the program logic to limit the hours value with in the range. |
16 | 5 | Reason - Minutes are out of range.
Solution - Modify the program logic to limit the minutes value with in the range. | |
16 | 6 | Reason - Seconds are out of range.
Solution - Modify the program logic to limit the seconds value with in the range. |
DELETE | 16 | 20 | Reason - Delete operations are not allowed according to the resource definition.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 21 | Reason - Command is issued for a file referring to a VSAM ESDS.
Solution - You can’t delete the record from a VSAM ESDS. Change the program to remove the delete command. |
16 | 22 | Reason - A GENERIC DELETE is issued for a file that is not a VSAM KSDS.
Solution - GENERIC option applicable to VSAM KSDS only. Change the program to remove the delete command. |
16 | 25 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified and the length value in the KEYLENGTH option is greater than or equal to the length of a full key.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option is specified and the length does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 27 | Reason - Command is issued for a file referring to a BDAM data set.
Solution - You can’t delete the record from a BDAM dataset. Change the program to remove the delete command. |
16 | 31 | Reason - Command without the RIDFLD option is issued for a file where no previous READ UPDATE command has been issued.
Solution - The record should be locked first to delete it from file and RIDFLD plays important role in it. Change the program to make sure the READ UPDATE should be preceded before DELETE command. |
16 | 42 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options are specified, and the length in the KEYLENGTH option is less than zero.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key and should be greater than zero. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 47 | Reason - Command includes a token whose value can’t be matched against any token in use for an existing READ with UPDATE request.
Solution - DELETE command token value should be matched with READ UPDATE token value. Change the program to modify the token value. |
16 | 51 | Reason - Command specifying the RBA or XRBA keyword is issued against a KSDS file that is being accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - RBA or XRBA option is not valid for KSDS file accessing in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove RBA option for files which are accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified for a non-RLS file.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 59 | Reason - XRBA was specified, but the data set is not an extended ESDS.
Solution - XBRA only for extended ESDS. Modify the program to remove XBRA option for writing the files other than extended ESDS. |
DELETEQ TD | 16 | Reason - Occurs if deleting an extra-partition queue.
Solution - This might occur when deleting a queue which is already gets deleted. Debug the program flow to correct it. |
DELETEQ TS | 16 | Reason - Queue name specifies consisting of binary zeroes or queue locked and waiting for ISC recovery or queue created by CICS internal code.
Solution - If queue name consists binary zeroes, modify the queue name and try again. If the queue is recoverable TSQ and waiting for ISC recovery, wait until the TSQ is recovered. If the queue is created by CICS internal code, use some other name for TSQ and try again. |
ENDBR | 16 | 35 | Reason - The REQID, SYSID or file name does not match any successful STARTBR command.
Solution - Modify the programming logic to pass the correct values to ENDBR command that matches with previous STARTBR command. |
FORMATTIME | 16 | 1 | Reason - The ABSTIME value is less than zero or not in packed-decimal format.
Solution - Modify the program logic to pass valid value to the ABSTIME. |
16 | 2 | Reason - Invalid CVDA value for the STRINGFORMAT option.
Solution - Modify the program logic to pass valid value to the CVDA. |
FREEMAIN | 16 | 1 | Reason - The storage specified by the DATA or DATAPOINTER parameter is not storage acquired by a GETMAIN command.
Solution - Modify the application program to specify the correct storage in FREEMAIN request. |
16 | 2 | Reason - The storage area specified by the DATA or DATAPOINTER parameter is in key storage and the program issuing the FREEMAIN command is in user-key.
Solution - FREEMAIN command should not be issued on storage area in key. The storage automatically gets released. Modify the program to remove the FREEMAIN command. |
HANDLE AID | 16 | Reason - The command was issued by a distributed program link server application.
Solution - The command issued from remote server application and the key pressed is invalid. Check the valid key options and press the allowable keys only. |
LINK | 16 | 8 | Reason - A LINK command with the INPUTMSG option is issued for a program that is not associated with a terminal, or that is associated with an APPC logical unit, or an IRC session.
Solution - LINK with INPUTMSG option should be issued from a program that is associated with local terminal or APPC logical unit or an IRC session. Modify the program to remove it. |
16 | 14 | Reason - The SYNCONRETURN option is specified but the program issuing the link request is already in conversation with a mirror task in the remote region specified on the SYSID option.
Solution - In this case, the client program is in an incorrect state to support the SYNCONRETURN option. Modify the program to remove it. |
16 | 15 | Reason - The program issuing the link request is already in conversation with a mirror task and the TRANSID specified is different from the transaction identifier of the active mirror.
Solution - Correct the transaction id in the program if required to be different or contact the system administrator if the behaviour is as expected. |
16 | 16 | Reason - The TRANSID specified is all blanks.
Solution - Modify the Application program if the transaction is coded or debug the program if the transaction is passing from somewhere else. |
16 | 17 | Reason - The TRANSID supplied by the dynamic routing program is all blanks.
Solution - Debug the program why the transaction id having all blanks and correct it. |
16 | 19 | Reason - A LINK command with the INPUTMSG option is issued for a program that is the subject of a DPL request.
Solution - LINK with INPUTMSG should not be coded in the program invoked by DPL. Modify the application program to correct it. |
LOAD | 16 | 30 | Reason - The program manager domain is not yet initialized.
Solution - This might be because the load request was made in a first stage PLT. Contact the system administrator to resolve the error. |
POP HANDLE | 16 | Reason - Occurs if no matching PUSH HANDLE command has been executed at the current link level.
Solution - Modify the application program to remove the currently executing POP HANDLE command. Every PUSH HANDLE should have corresponding POP HANDLE, not more or not less. |
READ | 16 | 20 | Reason - READ is not allowed according to the resource definition.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 25 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH, GENERIC options specified and the length in the KEYLENGTH option is greater than or equal to the length of a full key.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option is specified but the GENERIC option is not specified, and the length specified does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 28 | Reason - Following a READ UPDATE command without TOKEN, another READ UPDATE without TOKEN was issued against the same file without an REWRITE, DELETE without RIDFLD, UNLOCK, or SYNCPOINT command in middle.
Solution - Two READ UPDATE commands should not be issued side by side without specified TOKEN value. Because the same TOKEN value assumed. Change the program to modify the logic. |
16 | 42 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH, GENERIC options and the length specified in the KEYLENGTH option is less than zero.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key and should be greater than zero. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 51 | Reason - A READ to a KSDS file that is being accessed in RLS mode specifies the RBA keyword.
Solution - RBA option is not valid for KSDS file accessing in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove RBA option for files which are accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified on a READ request to a non-RLS mode file.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 59 | Reason - XRBA was specified, but the data set is not an extended ESDS.
Solution - XBRA only for extended ESDS. Modify the program to remove XBRA option for writing the files other than extended ESDS. Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
READNEXT | 16 | 20 | Reason - The FILE definition does not allow updates.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 25 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH, GENERIC was specified on the STARTBR or the last RESETBR and the value of KEYLENGTH was greater than the full key length.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option is specified for a nongeneric browse and the specified length does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 34 | Reason - The REQID, SYSID or file name does not match with any successful STARTBR command.
A SYNCPOINT was issued causing STARTBR, READNEXT/READPREVs position to be lost.
Solution - Check the program flow to find out where SYNCPOINT executing and move it out of in between STARTBR and READNEXT/READPREV. |
16 | 37 | Reason - The type of record identification used to access a data set during the browse has been changed.
Solution - The record identification used for browse should be same until the browse completion. Modify the programming logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 42 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH, GENERIC was specified on the STARTBR or the last RESETBR and the value of KEYLENGTH was less than zero.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key and should be greater than zero. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 54 | Reason - UPDATE is not allowed because the file is not a VSAM file that is accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - UPDATE option is allowed on VSAM file. Modify the program to remove UPDATE as the file is not VSAM. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified on a READ request to a non-RLS mode file.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
READPREV | 16 | 20 | Reason - The FILE definition does not allow updates.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 24 | Reason - A READPREV command is issued for a file which the previous STARTBR or RESETBR command has the GENERIC option.
Solution - READPREV option should not be issued on previous browse which has a generic option. Modify the programming logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and the length specified does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 37 | Reason - The type of record identification used to access a data set during the browse has been changed.
Solution - The record identification used for browse should be same until the browse completion. Modify the programming logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 39 | Reason - A READPREV is issued for a BDAM file.
Solution - READPREV command used only for VSAM file and should not be issued on BDAM file. Modify the program to remove the READPREV for BDAM file. |
16 | 41 | Reason - The REQID, SYSID or file name does not match with any successful STARTBR command.
Solution - Modify the programming logic to pass the correct values to READNEXT command that matches with previous STARTBR command. |
16 | 54 | Reason - UPDATE is not allowed because the file is not a VSAM file that is accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - UPDATE option is allowed on VSAM file. Modify the program to remove UPDATE as the file is not VSAM. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified on a READ request to a non-RLS mode file.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
READQ TD | 16 | Reason - Occurs if the queue specified has been opened for output.
This condition only occurs for extra-partition queue.
Solution - The READQ operation should not be performed on the queue opened for output. If READQ operation required to perform on the same queue, open the queue in the input mode. |
READQ TS | 16 | Reason - Queue name specifies consisting of binary zeroes or queue created by CICS internal code.
Solution - If queue name consists binary zeroes, modify the queue name and try again. If the queue is created by CICS internal code, use some other name for TSQ and try again. |
RECEIVE MAP | 16 | Reason - Occurs if a RECEIVE MAP command is issued in a non-terminal task.
Solution - Avoid issuing a RECEIVE MAP command in non-terminal task. |
RELEASE | 16 | 5 | Reason - An invalid attempt is made by the program to release itself.
Solution - A program can’t release itself. Modify program to resolve the error. |
16 | 6 | Reason - The command is issued for a program that is not loaded.
Solution - RELEASE command issued to release loaded programs. Modify program to resolve the error. |
16 | 7 | Reason - Either the command is issued for a program that was loaded without the HOLD option by another task or the program has been enabled as a global user exit.
Solution - A program loaded without hold option can release automatically and the program enabled as a global user exit can’t be released. Modify the program to remove the coding. |
16 | 17 | Reason - The program is defined with RELOAD=YES.
Solution - Release the program by a FREEMAIN rather than a RELEASE command. |
16 | 30 | Reason - The program manager domain is not yet initialized because a load request was made in a first stage PLT.
Solution - Contact the system administrator to resolve the error. |
RESETBR | 16 | 25 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options are specified.
The length specified in the KEYLENGTH option is greater than or equal to the length of a full key.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option is specified and the length does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 36 | Reason - The REQID, SYSID or file name does not match that of any successful STARTBR command.
Solution - Modify the programming logic to pass the correct values to RESETBR command that matches with previous STARTBR command. |
16 | 37 | Reason - The type of record identification used to access a data set during the browse has been changed.
Solution - The record identification used for browse should be same until the browse completion. Modify the programming logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 42 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options are specified.
The length specified in the KEYLENGTH option is less than zero.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key and should be greater than zero. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 51 | Reason - A RESETBR command to a KSDS file accessed in RLS mode specifies the RBA keyword.
Solution - RBA option is not valid for KSDS file accessing in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove RBA option for files which are accessing in RLS mode. |
RETURN | 16 | 1 | Reason - The program issuing RETURN command with the TRANSID option is not associated with a terminal.
Solution - Use the transaction that is associated with the terminal (local transaction) and do not use remote transactions. |
16 | 2 | Reason - A RETURN command with the CHANNEL, COMMAREA, or IMMEDIATE option is issued by a program that is not at the highest logical level.
Solution - CHANNEL, COMMAREA or IMMEDIATE options should be used in the program that are at highest logical level. Modify the program to remove the options. |
16 | 4 | Reason - A RETURN command with the TRANSID option is issued in the program associated with an APPC logical unit.
Solution - The programs associated with APPC logical unit should not use in RETURN command. Modify the program to remove it. |
16 | 8 | Reason - A RETURN command with the INPUTMSG option is issued in the program that is not associated with a terminal, or that is associated with an APPC logical unit, or an IRC session.
Solution - RETURN with INPUTMSG option should be issued from a program that is associated with local terminal or APPC logical unit or an IRC session. Modify the program to remove it. |
16 | 200 | Reason - A RETURN command with an INPUTMSG option invoked by a program invoked by DPL.
Solution - RETURN with INPUTMSG should not be coded in the program invoked by DPL. Modify the application program to remove it. |
16 | 203 | Reason - The CHANNEL option was specified, but the remote region which got the control does not support channels.
Solution - The remote region specified with SYSID doesn’t support channels. Modify application program to remove the CHANNEL option if the specified region is correct or modify the remote region name if it is wrongly specified. |
REWRITE | 16 | 30 | Reason - REWRITE command is issued without a token and no previous READ for UPDATE can be found.
Solution - The previous READ for UPDATE not being found is that failed for some reason and the failure has not been correctly handled or has been ignored. |
16 | 46 | Reason - Attempted to change the length of a BDAM variable length record or block.
Solution - Do not change length of the record after the READ with UPDATE. This might be a logic issue. Modify the program logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 47 | Reason - REWRITE instruction includes a token whose value cannot be matched against any token with an existing READ for UPDATE request.
Solution - READ with UPDATE or REWRITE tokens should match. This might be a logic issue. Modify the program logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is not allowed because the file is not a VSAM file accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
SEND CONTROL | 16 | Not Set | Reason - Control information is output to the same partition or LDC while a BMS logical message is active.
Solution - Both serving the same purpose. Debug the application program and remove any one of them or prioritize them to work one after other. |
SEND MAP | 16 | 200 | Reason - Command not allowed for a distributed program link server program.
Solution - Remove the command from the distributed link server program as it is not allowed. Code the program with SEND MAP and call it if want to receive the input from the terminal. |
16 | Not Set | Reason -
SEND TEXT | 16 | Not Set |
STARTBR | 16 | 20 | Reason - Browse operations are not allowed according to the resource definition.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 25 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options are specified and the length in the KEYLENGTH option is greater than or equal to the length of a full key.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option is and the specified length does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - If only KEYLENGTH option specified, the length value should match the dataset full key. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 33 | Reason - An attempt is made to start a browse with a REQID already in use for another browse.
Solution - One REQID for one browse and should not use for multiple browses. Modify the program to resolve the issues. |
16 | 42 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options and the length specified in the KEYLENGTH option is less than zero.
Solution - When a KEYLENGTH and GENERIC options specified, it is a generic key and the length value should be less than the length of the full key and should be greater than zero. Change the program to modify the length value. |
16 | 51 | Reason - STARTBR command to a KSDS file that is being accessed in RLS mode specifies the RBA keyword.
Solution - RBA option is not valid for KSDS file accessing in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove RBA option for files which are accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 59 | Reason - XRBA was specified but the data set is not an extended ESDS.
Solution - XBRA only for extended ESDS. Modify the program to remove XBRA option for writing the files other than extended ESDS. |
SYNCPOINT | 16 | 200 | Reason - SYNCPOINT was in a program from a remote system that has not specified the SYNCONRETURN option or if it has been linked to locally and is defined with EXECUTIONSET=DPLSUBSET.
Solution - SYNCONRETURN should be specified along with SYNCPOINT issuing from remote system. Modify the program to include SYNCONRETURN.Contact System administrator if it has been linked to locally and is defined with EXECUTIONSET=DPLSUBSET to resolve the issue. |
SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK | 16 | 200 | Reason - SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK was in a program from a remote system that has not specified the SYNCONRETURN option or if it has been linked to locally and is defined with EXECUTIONSET=DPLSUBSET
Solution - SYNCONRETURN should be specified along with SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK issuing from remote system. Modify the program to include SYNCONRETURN. |
UNLOCK | 16 | 47 | Reason - An UNLOCK includes a token whose value cannot be matched against any token in use for an existing READ with the UPDATE option.
Solution - READ with UPDATE or UNLOCK tokens should match. This might be a logic issue. Modify the program logic to resolve the issue. |
WRITE | 16 | 20 | Reason - Write operations are not allowed according to the resource definition.
Solution - Change the resource definitions if the deletion is valid or do not perform delete if the file definitions are correct. |
16 | 23 | Reason - The key in the record area (FROM option) and the key in RIDFLD do not match.
Solution - This the logic error. The record area key and RIDFID key should be same while performing WRITE operation. Debug the program logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 26 | Reason - The KEYLENGTH option specified length does not equal the length defined for the data set.
Solution - The value specified in KEYLENGTH option should be same as the length specified while file definition. |
16 | 38 | Reason - WRITE with the MASSINSERT option is issued against a BDAM file.
Solution - MASSINSERT option should not be issued on BDAM file. Correct the program logic to resolve the issue. |
16 | 51 | Reason - WRITE command specifying the RBA keyword was issued against a KSDS file accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - RBA option is not valid for KSDS file accessing in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove RBA option for files which are accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 55 | Reason - NOSUSPEND is not allowed because the file is not a VSAM file accessed in RLS mode.
Solution - NOSUSPEND option is valid for only VSAM files accessed in RLS mode. Modify the program to remove NOSUSPEND option for files which are not accessing in RLS mode. |
16 | 59 | Reason - XRBA was specified but the data set is not an extended addressing ESDS.
Solution - XBRA only for extended addressing ESDS. Modify the program to remove XBRA option for writing the files other than extended ESDS. |
WRITEQ TS | 16 | Reason - Queue name specifies consisting of binary zeroes or queue locked and waiting for ISC session recovery or queue created by CICS internal code.
Solution - If queue name consists binary zeroes, modify the queue name and try again. If the queue is recoverable TSQ and waiting for ISC recovery, wait until the TSQ is recovered. If the queue is created by CICS internal code, use some other name for TSQ and try again. |
WRITEQ TD | 16 | Reason - Occurs if WRITEQ names an extra-partition queue that has been opened for input.
This condition cannot be raised for intra-partition queues.
Solution - The WRITEQ operation should not be performed on the queue opened for input. If WRITEQ operation required to perform on the same queue, open the queue in the output mode. | |
XCTL | 16 | 8 | Reason - A XCTL command with the INPUTMSG option is issued for a program that is not associated with a terminal, or that is associated with an APPC logical unit, or an IRC session.
Solution - RETURN with INPUTMSG option should be issued from a program that is associated with local terminal or APPC logical unit or an IRC session. Modify the program to remove it. |
16 | 29 | Reason - EXEC XCTL is not allowed in a GLUE or TRUE.
Solution - The EXEC XCTL is not allowed to code in global user exit (GLUE) or task-related user exit (TRUE). Modify the program to remove the command. |
16 | 30 | Reason - The program manager domain has not yet been initialized because an XCTL request was made in a first stage PLT.
Solution - Contact the system administrator to resolve the error. |
16 | 31 | Reason - An XCTL command is issued from a program that is an application entry point.
Solution - Issuing a XCTL from application entry point unpredictable results. So it is always suggestable to not code the XCTL in a programs which starts the application. |
16 | 200 | Reason - An XCTL command with the INPUTMSG option is issued in a program invoked by DPL.
Solution - XCTL with INPUTMSG should not be coded in the program invoked by DPL. Modify the application program to remove it. |