DFHMSD abbreviated as Defined Field Hierarchy MapSet Definition. This macro used to define a mapset with its characteristics.
A DFHMSD macro contains one or more map definition macros, each of which contains one or more field definition macros. Mapset is the one- through seven-character name of the map set.
There are two DFHMSD macros coded in mapset definition, one is at the beginning specifies the mapset coding start and one is at the end specifies the mapset coding ends.
Mapset definition begins like below -
mapset DFHMSD TYPE=MAP (or TYPE=DSECT) and ends like -
mapset is optional for TYPE=FINAL.
If the mapset specified, it must be equal to the mapset name specified in mapset definition.
Syntax -
Parameters -
Most of the options described by considering COBOL is the programming language.
Specifies the color that used for all maps of the map set. This can have overridden by the COLOR operand of the DFHMDI macro for individual fields.
The color value can be overridden by individual COLOR parameter. Valid colors are - BLUE, GREEN, NEUTRAL, PINK, RED, TURQUOISE and YELLOW. If it is ignored, the default value of the output device is to be used as the basic color for this map.
Specifies control actions that are to be performed when the map set displaying on screen. Specifies the device control requests.
FREEKB is used to unlock the keyboard. FREEKB specifies the keyboard is to be unlocked after the map has been sent. If FREEKB is not specified, the keyboard remains locked and data entry from the keyboard is inhibited until this status is changed.
FRSET is used to reset the MDTs of all the fields in specific maps to zero before any map data is written to the buffer.
PRINT is used to send the map set to printer. Must be specified if the printer is to be started. If omitted, the data is sent to the printer buffer, but is not printed. if the map is used with 3270 displays, this operand is ignored.
ALARAM is specifies the alarm feature is to be activated.
Specifies the source language of the application programs into which the symbolic description maps of map set are copied. The supported programming languages are COBOL, C, C++,PL/I, ASM, or RPG. If the LANG operand is omitted, COBOL is assumed. Always keep the LANG operand for the application portability.
Specifies default highlighting attribute for all fields in all maps that are in a map set. This is overridden by the HILIGHT operand of the DFHMDI macro. The DFHMDI macro HILIGHT operand overridden by the HILIGHT operand of the DFHMDF macro.
OFF is default and indicates no highlighting is used.
BLINK used to specify to field must blink.
REVERSE used to specify character or field displayed in reverse.
UNDERLINE used to underline the field. If the terminal doesn't support highlighting, these parameters is ignored.
Specifies mode of the mapset that can be used for.
IN mode specifies to input the data by the user for all the MAPs in the mapset.
OUT mode specified to display the data to user after the processing for all the MAPs in the mapset.
INOUT for both input and output for all the MAPs in the mapset.
STORAGE operand depends on the language in which application programs are written. If AUTO option specified in COBOL Program, then the symbolic map and physical map will use separate memory locations.
AUTO is used to acquire separate symbolic map variables layout for each map. MAP-IOAREA allows multiple maps from MAPSET shares the same storage area. MAP-IOAREA redefines multiple times for each MAP.
Specifies the type of terminal id or logical unit where the MAP needs to display. The terminal name given should have a TCT entry, otherwise system can’t able to recognize the terminal.
TIOAPFX abbreviated as Terminal Input/Output Area PreFiX. Specifies the BMS should include a filler in the symbolic description maps to allow for the unused Terminal Input/Output Area (TIOA) prefix .
TIOAPFX=YES resumes 12 bytes of storage space in the memory to execute CICS commands against the map. CNTL, TIOAPFX are default. Those are not change even though the user overrides.
TIOAPFX can be set to YES or NO. The generated maps would be similar to CICS TS if TIOAPFX is set to NO.
Specifies the type of the map that needs to be generated. The type of the mapset can be either physical or symbolic or both.
Both types of map must be generated before the mapset can be used by an application program. There are three TYPEs which are used based on the requirement.
DSECT Specifies only symbolic map is to be generated. Symbolic description maps must be copied into the source program before it is translated and compiled.
MAP Specifies only physical map is to be generated. Physical maps must be processed and added to the CICS maps directory before an application program uses them.
&SYSPARM Specifies both gets generated. Also specifies the end of the Map.