If the RESP of the CICS command is equal to "18", then it's meaning is NOSPACE. Check the allocated space is fully used for the respective resource. If needed more, add more space to the resource.

Default Action - The task gets terminated abnormally.

Command RESP RESP2 Reason, Deafult Action & Solution
REWRITE 18 100 Reason - No space is available on the direct access device for adding records to a data set.

Solution - Contact Storage support team to resolve the issue.
WRITE 18 100 Reason - No space is available on the direct access device for adding records to a data set.

Solution - Contact Storage support team to resolve the issue.
WRITEQ TS 18 Reason - Occurs when NOSUSPEND option specified, no space in the following conditions –
  • Main storage
  • The auxiliary temporary storage data set
  • The temporary storage pool list structure

Solution - Remove NOSUSPEND option from the WRITEQ command.
WRITEQ TD 18 Reason - Occurs if no more space exists on the intra-partition or extra-partition queue, or the relative byte address (RBA) for an intra-partition queue would exceed 2 GB.

Solution - This issue because of storage issues. Contact system administrator to resolve the issue.