If the RESP of the CICS command is equal to "44", then it's meaning is QIDERR. Check the allocated space is fully used for the respective resource. If needed more, add more space to the resource.

Default Action - The task gets terminated abnormally.

Command RESP RESP2 Reason, Deafult Action & Solution
DELETEQ TD 44 Reason - Occurs when the queue specified cannot be found.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.
DELETEQ TS 44 Reason - Occurs when the queue specified cannot be found in Main storage, Auxiliary storage.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.
READQ TD 44 Reason - Occurs when the queue specified cannot be found.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.
READQ TS 44 Reason - Occurs when the queue specified cannot be found in Main storage, Auxiliary storage.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.
WRITEQ TS 44 Reason - Occurs when the queue specified with the REWRITE option cannot be found in Main storage, Auxiliary storage and Temporary storage pool.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.
WRITEQ TD 44 Reason - Occurs if the symbolic destination to be used cannot be found.

Solution - This happens due to the Queue might deleted or queue name provided might wrong. Correct the queue name or check the queue status.