If the RESP of the CICS command is equal to "101", then it's meaning is RECORDBUSY. This might occur very rarely. Wait for some time and try again. If this occurring on regular basis, modify the application program to remove NOSUSPEND.

Default Action - The task gets terminated abnormally.

Command RESP RESP2 Reason, Deafult Action & Solution
DELETE 101 107 Reason - The NOSUSPEND keyword is specified for the deletion of a record that is locked by a VSAM active lock.

Solution - This might occur very rarely. Wait for some time and try again. If this occurring on regular basis, modify the application program to remove NOSUSPEND.
101 107 Reason - The NOSUSPEND keyword is specified and the record is locked by an active lock.

Solution - This might occur very rarely. Wait for some time and try again. If this occurring on regular basis, modify the application program to remove NOSUSPEND.
REWRITE 101 107 Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified but VSAM holds an active lock against a unique alternate index key which would cause the request to wait.

Solution - This might occur very rarely. Wait for some time and try again. If this occurring on regular basis, modify the application program to remove NOSUSPEND.
WRITE 101 107 Reason - NOSUSPEND is specified on the request but VSAM holds an active lock against the record, which would cause the request to wait.

Solution - This might occur very rarely. Wait for some time and try again. If this occurring on regular basis, modify the application program to remove NOSUSPEND.