Displays value count between range (RANGE Operator)

RANGE operator displays the count of values that are in between the coded range for a field. The count message always prints in the TOOLMSG dataset.

Syntax -

RANGE Operator

Required Operands

  • FROM - specifies ddname of the input file. It is mandatory when FROM operand is coded.
  • LIST - specifies the list dataset ddname to be created by ICETOOL LIST operation. A listdd DD statement should be provided.
  • ON (p,l,f) - specifies the field(s) used for validation.
    • p - gives the starting position of field.
    • l - gives the length of the field. The field should not be beyond position 32752 or the end of the record.
    • f - gives the format of the data. The valid formats are PD(Signed Packed decimal - 1 to 16 bytes) and ZD (Signed Zoned decimal - 1 to 31 bytes).
  • HIGHER (x), LOWER (y), EQUAL (v), NOTEQUAL (w) - Sets RC=0 if the record count satisfies the given condition. Sets RC=12 (or RC=8 when RC8 is specified, or RC=4 when RC4 is specified) if the record count is higher than x. x, y, v, and w should be specified as n, +n, or -n where n can be 1 to 31 digits. x, y, v and w values can be in between 0 to 562949953421310.

Optional Operands

  • VSAMTYPE - specifies the record format for a VSAM input file. It should be either F (fixed-length) or V (variable-length) record processing.

Example -

Scenario - Displays the active employees count in between 2 and 6.


001  PAWAN         MAINFRAME           JPM       AP        IN
002  SRINIVAS      TESTING             ORACLE    TG        IN
003  SRIDHAR       SAS                 CG        OR        US
004  VENKATESH     ABAP                CSC       CA        US
005  RAVI          HADOOP              CTS       FL        US
006  PRASAD        HR                  INFOSYS   MI        US
007  RAJA          TESTING             IBM       CA        US



TOOLMSG (SDSF SPOOL) - Verify TOOLMSG for the return code of the submitted job.