INREC Inserting Sequence Numbers
INREC Inserting Sequence Numbers
We can use the INREC statement to insert sequence numbers into records before sorting, merging, or copying them. Inserting sequence numbers is particularly useful when -
- The records need to get back to the original position after their usage.
- To uniquely identify records or add a running total to records during processing.
Syntax -
INREC FIELDS=(…,SEQNUM, length, format,..)
SEQNUM | The keyword for inserting a sequence number. |
length | Specifies the length (in bytes) of the sequence number. |
format | Specifies the format of the sequence number. Common formats include: ZD (Zoned Decimal), PD (Packed Decimal) and BI (Binary). |
Examples -
Scenario1 - Basic Sequence Number in Zoned Decimal Format.
The first 10 bytes of the input record are retained (from position 1 to 10) and a 5-byte zoned decimal sequence number is appended to each record. The sequence number starts at 1 and increments by 1 for each record.
Scenario2 - Sequence Number with a Starting Value and Increment in Packed Decimal Format.
The first 20 bytes of the input record are retained and a 4-byte packed decimal sequence number is added to each record. The sequence number starts at 1000 and increments by 10 for each record.