File Status Codes

File StatusError Description
00Operation completed successfully
02Duplicate Key was found
04Invalid fixed length record
05The file was created when opened - Successful Completion
07CLOSE with REEL or NO REWIND executed for non tape dataset.
10End of File encountered
14Attempted to READ a relative record outside file boundary
21Invalid Key - Sequence error
22Invalid Key - Duplicate Key found
23Invalid key - No record found
24Invalid Key - key outside boundary of file.
30Permanent I/O Error
34Permanent I/O Error - Record outside file boundary
35OPEN, but file not found
37OPEN with wrong mode
38Tried to OPEN a LOCKed file
39OPEN failed, conflicting file attributes
41Tried to OPEN a file that is already open
42Tried to CLOSE a file that is not OPEN
43Tried to REWRITE without READing a record first
44Tried to REWRITE a record of a different length
46Tried to READ beyond End-of-file
47Tried to READ from a file that was not opened I-O or INPUT
48Tried to WRITE to a file that was not opened I-O or OUTPUT
49Tried to DELETE or REWRITE to a file that was not opened I-O
91Password or authorization failed
92Logic Error
93Resource was not available (may be allocated to CICS or another user)
94Sequential record unavailable or concurrent OPEN error
95File Information invalid or incomplete
96No DD statement for the file
97OPEN successful and file integrity verified
98File is Locked - OPEN failed
99Record Locked - record access failed.