
This page describes audiences, objectives, prerequisites, and the topics covered as part of the tutorial.


DB2 is a set of data management products that includes database servers. DB2 is a database product introduced by IBM.

DB2 was developed to store, analyze and retrieve the data efficiently. DB2 maintains the storage of large arrays of data types and optimizes the retrieval of that data.

DB2 was developed with the standard concepts of the SQL (standard query language) on relational database systems. i.e., DB2 uses SQL queries to store, retrieve the data from the database.

DB2 runs on IBM Mainframe, AS/400, and personal computers.

Objective and Audiences

In this tutorial, all the topics are covered with in-depth information. So, this tutorial is advised for all kinds of developers.


Readers need to have the COBOL basic knowledge to understand the DB2 concepts easily. Go through the below tutorial -