Catalog Datasets

  • Catalog makes the dataset entry in the Catalog table with the volume serial number. So that if you search the dataset from the Data Set List Utility (ISPF 3.4), you can find the dataset.
  • Catalog performs on uncataloged data sets to make them available for search and access the data in them.
  • IEFBR14 can be used to catalog the uncataloged sequential file (PS) or partitioned dataset (PDS).
  • The disposition to catalog the dataset is DISP=(OLD,CATLG,..).

CATLG option performs below two tasks -

  • Creates/Updates an entry in the system or user catalog directory for the dataset with all volume serials numbers.
  • Creates all the required indexes that are required to access the dataset.

Syntax -

//DD1      DD, DISP=(OLD,CATLG,..),
//         VOLUME=SER=volume-name,UNIT=sys-name
  • volume-name - It is a volume name. It should be the same volume used to create the dataset for the first time.
  • sys-name - It is a storage system name. It should be the system name used to create the dataset for the first time.

Example -

Scenario - Catalog the PS and PDS using IEFBR14 utility that are uncataloged earlier.



***************************** Top of Data ******************************
//MATEPKC  JOB (123),'MTH',CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),           
//             NOTIFY=&SYSUID                                           
//* CATALOG DATA SET USING IEFBR14 UTILITY                              
//STEP01   EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                             
//DD1      DD DSN=MATEPK.IEFBR14.PSFILE,                                
//            VOLUME=SER=DEVHD4,UNIT=SYSDA,                             
//            DISP=(OLD,CATLG,DELETE)                                   
//DD2      DD DSN=MATEPK.IEFBR14.PDSFILE,                               
//            VOLUME=SER=DEVHD4,UNIT=SYSDA,                             
//            DISP=(OLD,CATLG,DELETE)                                   
**************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Output -

Go to Spool (SDSF -> ST) and verify the status in the JESYSMSG DDname of the corresponding job.

********************************* TOP OF DATA **********************************
ICH70001I MATEPK   LAST ACCESS AT 11:19:52 ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022         
IEF236I ALLOC. FOR MATEPKC STEP01                                               
IEF237I 0ABB ALLOCATED TO DD1                                                   
IEF237I 0ABB ALLOCATED TO DD2                                                   
IEF142I MATEPKC STEP01 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000                     
IEF285I   MATEPK.IEFBR14.PSFILE                        CATALOGED                
IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= DEVHD4.                                                  
IEF285I   MATEPK.IEFBR14.PDSFILE                       CATALOGED                
IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= DEVHD4.                                                  
IEF373I STEP/STEP01  /START 2022232.1122                                        
IEF032I STEP/STEP01  /STOP  2022232.1122                                        
        CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.01 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    
        VIRT:     4K  SYS:   228K  EXT:        0K  SYS:    13476K               
IEF375I  JOB/MATEPKC /START 2022232.1122                                        
IEF033I  JOB/MATEPKC /STOP  2022232.1122                                        
        CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.01 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Explaining Example -

  • DD1 DD * - Specifies PS dataset with DISP for catalog (DISP=(OLD,CATLG,DELETE)).
  • DD2 DD * - Specifies PDS dataset with DISP for catalog (DISP=(OLD,CATLG,DELETE)).
  • IEF142I MATEPKC STEP01 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000 - Specifies the step01 completed successfully.
  • MATEPK.IEFBR14.PSFILE  CATALOGED - Specifies the MATEPK.IEFBR14.PSFILE cataloged successfully on DEVHD4 volume.
  • MATEPK.IEFBR14.PDSFILE  CATALOGED - Specifies the MATEPK.IEFBR14.PDSFILE cataloged successfully on DEVHD4 volume.