Programming Terminology

Abend -

An unexpected or abnormal termination of the program due to some problem in code or data.

Syntax -

The syntax is a system-defined standard that should follow while coding the COBOL statements like MOVE, IF, PERFORM, etc.

Character String -

The character string is a set of characters used to name something.

Statement -

Individual instructions or commands in COBOL, like MOVE, ADD, DISPLAY, etc.

Sentence -

Groups of COBOL statements ending in a period.

Paragraph | Routine -

The paragraph is a set of statements that are coded together separately from PROCEDURE DIVISION to perform a task. We should PERFORM the paragraph to execute it.

Section -

The section is a set of paragraph that are coded together separately from PROCEDURE DIVISION. We should PERFORM the section to execute it.

Division -


Separator -

A separator is character(s) used to separate the strings. Example - Space, comma, etc.

Delimiter -

A delimiter is used to specify the start or end of the strings. Example - single quote, double quote.

Condition -

Condition is the expression that results TRUE or FALSE. Based on the return value, the program flow gets decided.

Variable | Data Item -

A Variable is a data name used to hold the value for processing in the program.

Constant -

A constant is a variable that has only one value throughout the execution of the program.

Figurative Constant -

Figurative constants are system-defined keywords with predefined values.

Literal -

The literal is the value that is assigned to the variable.

Scope Terminator -

Scoper terminator is a COBOL reserved word that specifies the end of the specific COBOL statements.

Arithmetic Expression -

The arithmetic expression is the coding form of arithmetic calculations and it is a combination two or more variables with arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /). Example - WS-A = WS-B + WS-C.

Program -

A program contains the actual code to perform the specific task.

Called Program | Subprogram -

The called program is the subprogram that is called by many programs to perform a task.

Main Program -

The main program is the program that receives the control from the system to perform a task.

Calling Program -

The calling program is the program that calls the subprogram. Sometimes, a calling program may be subprogram.

Nested Program -

A nested program is a program that is coded in another program.

Physical File -

The physical file contains the data in the form of records.

Logical File -

The logical file is the name that uses to refer the physical file in the program.

Copybook -

The copybook is a file structure in the form of variables declaration.

Array | Table -

The array is a set of similar elements arranged in sequential order and can access with their position. It is also called as Table in COBOL.

Binary Search -

Binary search is an algorithm used on sorted arrays to search the element quickly. The binary search uses the technique of repeatedly dividing the entire array into two parts until found the element.

Intrinsic function -

The intrinsic function is a pre-defined function that performs mathematical, character, or logical operations.

Compiler -

The compiler is a utility that coverts source code (high-level language) into object code (machine language).

Load modules -

The load module is the executable component of the program that is generated by the compiler.