VALUE Clause

The VALUE clause is used to assign an initial value to a variable at the time of declaration. This initialization happens when the program starts executing and before any other operation occurs. It's a way to ensure that specific variables have default values when a program begins its execution.

Rules -

  • If the variable is not initialized, the value of the variable is unpredictable.
  • Values provided should not exceed the length of the PICTURE clause.
  • It should not be coded with REDEFINES, JUSTIFIED, or SYNCHRONIZED clauses.
  • It should only code with PIC clause.

Formats -

VALUE clause has two different formats to initialize the items -

  • For Variables
  • For Condition names

For Variables -

This format is used to assign the initial value for a variable.

Syntax -

 level-number data-name-1 PIC ... [VALUE literal-1].
Note! All statements coded in [ ] are optional.

Parameters -

  • PIC clause - It defines the type and size of the data item.
  • literal-1 - This is the actual value we want to assign to the data item. It should be compatible with the PIC clause.

Examples -

Scenario1 - Alphanumeric Initialization.

 01 WS-NAME      PIC X(15) VALUE 'Mainframes'.

Here, the alphanumeric variable WS-NAME is initialized with the value 'Mainframes'.

Scenario2 - Numeric Initialization.

 01 WS-AGE       PIC 9(02) VALUE 25.

Here, the numeric variable WS-AGE starts with a default value of 25.

For condition names -

This format initializes the condition name with a value, multiple values, or a range of values. Each condition name requires a separate 88 level entry.

Syntax -

 88 data-name-1 [VALUE [IS|ARE] literal-1 [THRU literal2].

Parameters -

  • literal-1 - This is the actual value we want to assign to the data item. If THRU is coded, this is the starting value.
  • THRU literal-2 - This is the ending value we want to assign to the data item. The keywords THROUGH and THRU are equivalent.

Examples -

Scenario1 - Single value Initialization.

 01 WS-GENDER       PIC X(01).
   88 MALE         VALUE 'M'.
   88 FEMALE       VALUE 'F'.

Here, MALE and FEMALE are condition names assigned with single value.

Scenario2 - Multiple values Initialization.

 01 WS-GENDER       PIC X(01).
   88 VALID-GENDER    VALUE 'M' 'F'.

Here, VALID-GENDER is a condition name assigned with multiple values 'M' and 'F'.

Scenario3 - Range of values Initialization.

 01 WS-MARKS       PIC 9(03).

Here, FIRST-CLASS is a condition name assigned with range of values from 60 to 100.