Delay the task processing. DELAY suspends the processing of the task for a specified interval of time or until a specified time of day. The default is INTERVAL(0).

Syntax -


Options -


Specifies the delay duration.

HOURS(data-value) -

data-value is a fullword binary value. data-value value in the range from 0–99.

INTERVAL(hhmmss) -

Specifies the time interval to elapse from the time when the DELAY command is issued. The mm and ss are in the range 0–59. The time specified is added to the current clock time by CICS to calculate the expiration time.

MINUTES(data-value) -

data-value is fullword binary value. Specifies value in the range from 0–59, when HOURS or SECONDS are also specified. Specifies value in the range from 0–5999 when MINUTES is the only option specified.

REQID(name) -

Specifies a unique name (1–8 characters) to identify the DELAY request. This option is dynamically available to enable other tasks to cancel unexpired DELAY requests.

SECONDS(data-value) -

data-value is fullword binary value. Specifies value in the range from 0–59, when HOURS or MINUTES are also specified. Specifies value in the range from 0–359 999 when SECONDS is the only option specified.

TIME(hhmmss) -

Specifies the time when the task should resume processing.


Specifies the time at the end of the delay and when the task should resume processing.

Error Conditions -

Below are the list of error conditions may occur in combination. If more than one occurs, only the first is passed to the application program.

Error ConditionRESP2, Description & SolutionSystem Action
Occurs if the time specified has already expired when the command is issued.
Solution -The command executed after the specified time. Modify the program to specify the new time and execute again.
Task abnormally terminated
4 - Hours are out of range.
Solution -Modify the program logic to limit the hours value with in the range.

5 - Minutes are out of range.
Solution -Modify the program logic to limit the minutes value with in the range.

6 - Seconds are out of range.
Solution -Modify the program logic to limit the seconds value with in the range.
Task abnormally terminated