Top 50+ Interview Questions

1. What is JCL?

JCL (Job Control Language) is used on IBM mainframe systems to instruct the system on how to execute jobs.

2. What are the limitations of JCL?

JCL has limited programming capabilities and relies heavily on system utilities and programs for functionality.

3. How is JCL used in daily operations?

JCL is used to schedule batch jobs, manage data storage, and control job execution in mainframe environments.

4. What are the components of a JCL statement?

A JCL statement typically consists of an operation field, name field, parameter field, and comments.

5. What are the roles of JES2 and JES3?

JES2 and JES3 are job entry subsystems that manage job queues, priorities, and outputs.

6. Define a JOB statement?

The JOB statement marks the beginning of a job and provides parameters necessary for job setup like accounting information and programmer name.

7. How do you specify job category in JCL?

Through the CLASS parameter in the JOB statement.

8. What is the use of the PRTY parameter?

PRTY (Priority) parameter sets the execution priority within a class.

9. How do you specify job priority in JCL?

Use the PRTY parameter under the same CLASS parameter in the JOB statement to control job priority on the system.

10. What is the purpose of the REGION parameter?

REGION specifies the maximum amount of memory that a job or step can use.

11. What is the COND parameter used for?

It specifies the conditions under which a job step should be bypassed.

12. How do you restart a job in JCL?

Use the RESTART parameter in the JOB statement to begin execution from a specific step.

13. Explain the TYPRUN parameter?

TYPRUN is used for syntax checking without actual execution or for holding the job in the queue.

14. What does the SPACE parameter do?

SPACE parameter defines the disk space requirements for a dataset in terms of blocks, tracks, or cylinders.

15. What is the purpose of the NOTIFY parameter?

NOTIFY sends completion status messages to a specified userid.

16. How to specify the maximum CPU time for a job?

Using the TIME parameter in the JOB statement.

17. What is the purpose of the EXEC statement in JCL?

The EXEC statement specifies the program or procedure to be executed.

18. What is a job step?

A job step is a part of a JCL job that specifies a single EXEC statement to execute a program or procedure.

19. How do you pass parameters to a program using JCL?

Use the PARM parameter on the EXEC statement to pass runtime parameters to a program.

20. Describe the difference between STEPLIB and JOBLIB?

JOBLIB applies to all EXEC statements within a job; STEPLIB applies only to specific EXEC statement.

21. How to manage datasets in multi-step jobs?

By using consistent DD names and proper DISP parameters to control the dataset lifecycle across steps.

22. Explain the function of the DD statement?

DD statements describe data sets to be used by the program, specifying input/output resources.

23. What is the DSN parameter?

Specifies the name of the dataset.

24. What is DISP parameter and its purpose?

DISP defines the dataset's disposition, indicating what happens to it at the job's execution completed.

25. How do you allocate new datasets in JCL?

Use DD statements with DISP=NEW to create and describe attributes of new datasets.

26. What is the difference between primary and secondary allocations?

Primary allocation is the initial space allocation, while secondary handles additional space if needed.

27. How do you delete a dataset using JCL?

Specify DISP=(MOD,DELETE) or use the IEFBR14 utility with DISP=(OLD,DELETE).

28. What is the LRECL parameter?

LRECL specifies the logical record length of a dataset.

29. What is the impact of incorrect BLKSIZE settings?

Incorrect BLKSIZE can lead to inefficient disk usage and possibly slower access times.

30. How do you handle large output volumes in JCL?

Optimize job design, use efficient sorting, and leverage appropriate storage media.

31. How is file buffering specified?

Through the BUFNO parameter in DD statements.

32. Function of the SPACE parameter?

It defines the amount of space required for a dataset.

33. Difference between CATLG and UNCATLG in DISP?

CATLG retains and catalogs a dataset after job completion; UNCATLG deletes the dataset unless explicitly saved.

34. What is an instream dataset in JCL?

Instream datasets are provided directly within JCL using DD * and data lines enclosed in /*.

35. What does the SYSOUT parameter do?

SYSOUT assigns output of the program or procedure to a system output device like a printer.

36. How do you handle file exceptions in JCL?

Use SYSOUT=* to capture output and errors, and check the job log for specifics.

37. How do you manage output from multiple job steps?

Use SYSOUT and output class routing to manage and direct outputs appropriately.

38. What is a PROC?

A PROC (procedure) is a set of JCL statements that can be reused in multiple job streams and is used to simplify job coding and management.

39. How do you update a JCL procedure?

Modify the PROC source member and ensure changes propagate to all JCL that invokes the PROC.

40. How do you override a parameter in a PROC?

By specifying the parameter with a new value in the EXEC statement calling the PROC.

41. What is a concatenation in JCL?

Concatenation in JCL allows multiple datasets to be treated as a single dataset.

42. How do you specify multiple DD statements for the same file?

Use DDNAME and concatenation to define multiple data sources or outputs for a single file.

43. How do you manage dataset contention in JCL?

Use DISP parameters wisely and schedule jobs to minimize simultaneous access to the same dataset.

44. How do you handle conditional processing in JCL?

Use COND parameter on EXEC or IF/ELSE/ENDIF constructs within the job stream for conditional logic.

45. How do you use the IF/THEN/ELSE construct in JCL?

IF/THEN/ELSE is used for conditional execution of job steps based on the return codes of previous steps.

46. What is a symbolic parameter?

Symbolic parameters are variables in a PROC that can be replaced with actual values when called.

47. How are symbolic parameters used?

Symbolic parameters allow for dynamic substitution of values in PROCs and JCL.

48. How do symbolic parameters and overrides work in PROCs?

Symbolic parameters in PROCs can be overridden at execution time, providing flexibility.

49. How do you use the INCLUDE statement?

INCLUDE allows the insertion of commonly used JCL code stored in separate members or libraries.

50. What is an ABEND, and how do you resolve it?

ABEND is an abnormal end of a job, resolved by checking the error code and correcting the JCL or program.

51. What are the common errors in JCL?

Common errors include missing datasets, incorrect parameters, or syntax errors in statements.

52. How do you copy datasets in JCL?

Use the IEBGENER or IEBCOPY utility to replicate or back up datasets.

53. What is the MAXCC parameter?

MAXCC sets the maximum condition code that determines job success.

54. What are GDGs?

Generation Data Groups (GDGs) are a series of datasets organized into a generation sequence.

55. How do you create a GDG base?

By using the IDCAMS utility with the DEFINE GENERATIONDATAGROUP command.

56. Difference between PDS and GDG?

PDS is a library of members, whereas GDG is a controlled series of datasets.

57. What is job chaining in JCL, and how is it implemented?

Job chaining is linking multiple jobs to run sequentially, typically managed by a scheduler.

58. How can you optimize the performance of a JCL job?

Optimize by managing resources efficiently, such as using appropriate block sizes and buffers.

59. Significance of TYPRUN parameter?

Used to check the syntax without executing the job (TYPRUN=SCAN).