Structure IQ for Freshers

What is job card?

A JOB statement with all its parameters is also called as JOB Card. A JOB card makes the OS aware of the specific job after it submits and provides the parameters required to run the job.

What is job body?

Except the JOB card, the remaining part of the JCL is called as JOB Body.

What statements job contains?

JOB, EXEC and DD statements

What is the significance of EXEC statement or step?

Each step in JCL executes a program or a procedure (have one or more steps) using the EXEC statement. EXEC statement treats as the beginning of the step and required for each step.

What are the maximum EXEC statements or steps can be coded in a JCL?


What is the significance of DD statement?

DD (Data Definition) statement is used to specify input and output files for a job step. It defines a dataset or file name, attributes, and location and assigns it a DDname to be referenced within the job step.

What are maximum DD statements can code under a step or EXEC statement?