Other IQ for Freshers

What is the usage of the Include statement in JCL?

The INCLUDE statement is used to insert commonly used code snippets or parameter lists from an external member into the JCL stream.

What are the statements that are not valid to be included in an INCLUDE statement?

JOB, DELIMITER, and another INCLUDE statement cannot be included within an INCLUDE statement.

What is an Include statement (DD statement) format in the mainframe?

//name INCLUDE MEMBER=member-name

Is it possible to submit JCL from COBOL?


How do you code a Null statement?

Null statement is coded by simply placing two slashes (//) without any additional text following them on the line. This statement acts as a end statement of the job.

What diagnostic messages are provided by SYSPRINT and SYSOUT systems?

SYSPRINT typically contains messages generated by the execution of utility programs or system tasks, detailing steps, processes, or errors encountered during execution. SYSOUT is used to collect output from executed programs, often including logs, results, and other diagnostic information. Both are crucial for debugging and monitoring the status of jobs run on a mainframe.

How DUMMY is used in JCL?

The DUMMY parameter is used to specify a dataset that does not physically exist. It's typically used in the DD (Data Definition) statement. When DUMMY is specified, it means that any input or output usually directed to a dataset will instead go nowhere or come from nowhere, effectively ignoring that step's data requirements.

What two modes can you create data sets, and how can you use utility mode?

Datasets can be created in two modes: cataloged and uncataloged.

  • Cataloged: These datasets are registered in a system catalog, which tracks the dataset's location and attributes, allowing them to be accessed by name without specifying a volume.
  • Uncataloged: These datasets are not registered in the system catalog. They must be accessed by specifying both the name and the volume on which they reside.

Frequently Asked Questions -

What you mean by include statement in JCL?
What is the purpose of include statement in a JCL?
Why include statement is used in a JCL?
What u mean by include statement in JCL ?