Features Interview Questions

What object-oriented capabilities does COBOL offer?

COBOL offers object-oriented capabilities such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism through features like classes, objects, and methods, allowing for modular and reusable code organization.

What are the programming paradigms supported by COBOL?

COBOL primarily supports procedural programming paradigms, but it also offers limited support for object-oriented programming through features like classes and objects in newer versions.

Mention three characteristics of COBOL as a business language?

Three characteristics of COBOL as a business language are its readability, English-like syntax, and robust data manipulation capabilities suited for business applications.

What are the main features of COBOL?

The main features of the COBOL language are -

  • COBOL is simple
  • Standard Language
  • COBOL is stable
  • Business Oriented
  • Structured
  • Robust
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to Learn
  • Self-documenting

Frequently Asked Questions -

What are the object-oriented features provided in COBOL?

List the three qualities that make COBOL a business language?
What are the main characteristics of the COBOL programming language as a business language?

List some features of COBOL?
What are the main features of the COBOL programming language?
What are some distinctive features of COBOL?