JOB Statement | JOB Card
JOB Statement | JOB Card
- A JOB statement with all its parameters is also called as JOB Card.
- A JOB card makes the OS aware of the specific job after it submits and provides the parameters required to run the job.
- It is the first statement in the job and should always code as the first statement.
- It is mandatory for the job to run and should code only once.
- A JOB card is used to -
- Identify the JOB uniquely.
- Provide accounting information.
- Provide the parameters treated as global and applies to the entire JOB.
- Provide information about how to run the job.
- Identify the user information who is responsible for the job.
- And many more.
- JOB card can be coded in multiple lines with a continuation character (,) immediately after the parameter anywhere from 17 to 72 columns.
Syntax -
//job-name JOB job-card-parameters
The JOB statement is divided into three parts -
- JOB Name (job-name).
- JOB Operation (JOB).
- JOB Card parameters (job-card-parameters).
JOB Name (job-name) -
- JOB name is the first word in the JOB statement and is used to identify the job.
- JOB name starts from the 3rd column and ends at the 10th column.
- The JOB name length can be a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 8 characters.
- JOB name can be anything from the following -
- Next available name in the system for PROD jobs.
- Userid of the user who submitted the JOB (in the test environment).
- Task name that is completed by the specific JOB.
There are no specific rules for naming a job. The job names and the member name are mostly the same. For example -

JOB Operation -
- JOB is the keyword used to code the JOB statement in JCL.
- The job entry system (JES) identifies the JOB statement using the JOB keyword.
- A job has only one JOB statement.
JOB Card Parameters -
- JOB Card parameters are treated as global and applies to each step in the job.
- If any parameter is coded at the step and JOB level, the step level parameter has the highest priority.
- The JOB card parameter is ignored if a step is coded with the same parameter.
- JOB Card parameters are divided into two types -
- Positional parameters.
- Keyword parameters.
Example -